
Our fast services , availability in ready stocks, at every major port, ensure – fast, reliable and dependable supply at any time. Vin Marine Corporation can extend its services to any port in MALAYSIA round the clock. We can repair any kind of ship and offshore rigs. We can cater to any requirement from pin to propeller, and everything in between.

Vin Marine Corporation has earned credibility in the maritime business and offshore supplies & services. We believe, as a Company, in providing excellent service backed by a team of experts and technically qualified professionals, making us different from and superior to the rest of service providers. It is our promise that you as a client will have a satisfactory-experience every time you interact with us.

Vin Marine Corporation has, at every location,fully developed and well equipped warehousing facilities and a ready stock of all essential items. The company owns its equipment and ship spares. (We do not rent like most of the others)


Ship Repair

We offer the most economical ship repairs in the world. We provide our Technical Services such as consultancy,repairs, maintenance and supply of spare parts around the world.

Successful ship repair is measured by many standards – Quality of Work, Manship, Timely Completion, Competitive Pricing and Safety.When all these elements are placed together and when the groundwork has been properly done, then the results are excellent.

This Is exactly what you get whe you get your ship repaired at Vin Marine Corporation.

Vin Marine Corporation has earned credibility in the maritime business and offshore supplies & services. We believe, as a Company, in providing excellent service backed by a team of experts and technically qualified professionals, making us different from and superior to the rest of service providers.

It is our promise that you as a client will have a satisfactory-experience every time you interact with us.

Vin Marine Corporation has, at every location,fully developed and well equipped warehousing facilities and a ready stock of all essential items. The company owns its equipment and ship spares. (We do not rent like most of the others)


Ship Stores Supply

  • Our fast services, availability in read stocks, at every port,ensures – fast,reliable and dependable supply at any time.We can extend its services to any port in Malaysia.
  • Supply of all kind of provision,bonded,deck & engine,cabin,electrical,medicines stores, etc.
  • Supplier of all kind of spare parts for main engine, Auxiliary Engine, Turbo charger, Motors, Hydraulic items, Gyro compass, Radar, etc.
  • Supplier of Fresh water through our barges.
  • Refilling of Ships Bottles Oxygen, Acetylene, Freon R (22-12), Co2, Fire Extinguishers, Breathin Apparatus, etc.
  • Annual Servicing of Life Rafts, EEBD, Co2, Fire extinguishers, Breathing apparatus, etc
  • Supplier of all kind of Packing Materials like Dunnage wood, Craft papers, Plastic Sheet,Tarpaulin, Hatch Cover Tape, Brown tape, etc.
  • Tug and Barge supplier for inner anchorage of outer anchorage for boarding or Customs Formalties, Supply of ship stores, Fresh water, Bunker.


Ship Agency

Our agency department offers full pledge main and covering agent services, at most major & minor Malaysian ports, to vessel calling these ports for loading and discharging operation even at oil terminals, inner and outer anchorage.

Through strong connection with Port authorities,Bunker, fresh water and fuels could be arranged on short notice, round the clock. Crew medical, repatriation and welfare operation is also offered to the vessels.


Spare Parts

We also deal in ships spares especially in main engine, aux, engine, turbochargers, air compressors, separators, pumps, fresh water gensets, rubber fenders,anchor and anchor chain etc., reclaimed for demo vessels.

We maintain ready inventory of spares at our works, we can also meet specific demand as we are in a position to locate any unusual spare rapidly and are in constant touch with all scrap yards. We supply spares world wide to various owners,managers and trading co`s.



LSA FSA Equipment

Supplier of all kind of LSA/FSA Equipment,and annual servicing of Life Rafts, EEBD, Co2, Fire extinguishers, Breathing apparatus., etc.



Bunker & Lube Oil Suppliers

We serve the bunkering need of all sectors of Marine Market-Merchants, Vessels, Ocean going yachts and cruise ships, oil tankers, military and government vessels and fishing fleets. We are suppliers of marine fuel lurcants, serving the south to north of the Malaysia.

Our work begins before fueling any vessel by guaranteeing our customers the most competitive fuel prices. Our u to the minute monitoring of the oil market enables our customers to take advantage of market pricing almost immediately. As we monitor prices, we also monitor quality assurance.

Twenty-four hours a day days a week, expect our service, operation and sales department to serve your fueling needs.